19 Oct 2011

WTF Ubuntu:

dpkg: error processing linux-generic
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured

Somewhere in the spew of a failed routine upgrade of a new kernel I got the above lines.
What did my head in was I missed the real reason for this further up in the speil.

A few lines above, it had a error relating to grub (actually grub2). If I'd noticed that grub had thrown an error as it checked stuff, I would have realised the problem wasn't with the kernel, but that grub had found an inconsistency and called a brake on things progressing.

I'd been pis^H^Hmessing about^H^H working hard with BSDs in the previous few days and had installed quite a few OSs and generally screwed a lot up^H^H^H accomplished what I set out to do.

So, the specific error grub was barking at was:

/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1. Check your device.map.

(where /dev/sdb1 may vary, it's specific to your problem)

Easily cured by telling grub to re-sort it's shit out:

# sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb && sudo update-grub

(where /dev/sdb was the device that grub had lost track of)

= sorted .... I now hold you Xray Alpha Papa